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quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2013

Why Breakfast?

Smart Reasons To Eat Breakfast …

Fuels the body with nutrients. Your child may not make up nutrients missed at breakfast. You may not either.
Provides food energy for the morning’s active play.

Gets your child ready to learn – at home, school, or day care. Kids learn better if they eat breakfast. If you eat breakfast, you may get more done in the morning, too.

Helps keep a healthy body weight. Breakfast helps control the urge to nibble or eat too big a lunch. Even with breakfast, young kids may need a small morning snack.

Helps kids feel good. Children may get morning tummy aches if they miss breakfast. These aches are usually hunger pangs.

Tastes good! Offer foods your child and family enjoy – even if they aren’t common for breakfast.

Smart Ways To Make Breakfast Successful!

Eat breakfast yourself. “Showing” teaches more than simply “telling.” Your child will follow what you do.

Manage your early morning time.

• Start making breakfast the night before. You might mix the juice, slice fruit, or make hardcooked eggs.
• Go to bed earlier, so you get up earlier.
• Stock your kitchen with quick-to-fix breakfast foods.

Consider your child’s needs.

• Offer two or three food choices. That helps your child feel in control of breakfast eating.
• Give your child time to wake up. Many kids aren’t hungry right away. Rushing puts pressure on breakfast eating. Wake up earlier.
• Ask your child to help with breakfast – on a morning when you’re not rushing. It can be a nice way to start your child’s day. Yours, too!

Easy Ideas for Quick, Yummy Breakfasts!

If you don’t have much time to make breakfast, try these easy ideas. Talk with your family. Add their ideas, too.
• Ready-to-eat cereal with milk and fruit
• Peanut butter on whole wheat toast
• Bagel with cheese
• Reheated rice, hard-cooked egg
• Grits topped with cheese
• Oatmeal with applesauce
• Pita bread and yogurt
• Toasted waffle topped with sliced fruit
• Rice and beans, with fruit
• Chicken noodle soup and fruit

Source: Nutrition Newsletters for Parents of Young Children, USDA, Food and Nutrition Service

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